What about him?

“Never look for justice in this world, never cease to give it.” - Oswald Chambers
A few months ago, I wrote a post during the early stages of the Me Too movement on my own experiences. Since then, the movement has only continued to grow as society wrestles with the issues of sexual assault and harassment.
Recently, our culture has almost been at war over the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and what it means for women's rights. I am not here to comment on this situation, we all have opinions but only a few know the facts. I will not put forward an opinion on something I don't have all the information on.
However, I do have questions about how we respond to times like these, especially as christians.
What do we do when an accusation is made? In criminal courts, innocence is presumed until guilt can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil courts, a preponderance of evidence is needed to win a case. If someone is actually guilty of something like sexual assault, how many more people can be hurt before guilt is proven? But at the same time, how tarnished is an innocent's reputation when an accusation is made?
Sexual assault and harassment accusations aren't necessarily occurring in courts though. Sometimes, the court of public opinion has to be used. So what then do we do?
In the midst of the influx of support for women's rights, it cannot be forgotten that it's not just women who are victims. Just as it's not just men who are perpetrators. In my last post, I made the comment that I did not want to vilify men.
By attacking men and saying they all want sex to the point of using violence, or excusing inappropriate behavior with the phrase "boys will be boys" we are pigeon holing an entire gender. In my Women in Christian History class, we learn that for much of history, women were believed to be "slaves of carnal lust" and unable to control their sexuality. Today, we can recognize that as unjust. But aren't we doing the same thing to men now?
We are all slaves to sin until we are rescued by the grace of God.
We also know that hurt people will hurt people. True healing and justice can only be found in Christ.
So I challenge readers: Do not use this time as an excuse, saying it's a classic example of ignoring women. Instead, look at it as motivation. If this has happened to you, speak up now. Don't repeat the cycle. Let us use tact and grace in this time, we cannot believe every accusation. But we also can't discount every testimony. Don't abuse the system and times. Don't misconstrue a mistake or regret as sexual assault or rape. Be mindful of your choices and actions.
Let us use our most important tool, prayer. You will be heard. You may not get the answer you want, and it may not be in your time, but you are heard. Pray for your family, your community, and your nation. Pray for our politicians. Its amazing how your faithfulness can be honored, just think of Esther, Caleb, and Ruth. I ask that we not lose hope, but to continue to trust in the God of Creation.
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