Me Too

"If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'me too' as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem," Alyssa Milano.

Young adulthood is difficult. We are searching for truth: what we stand for, what is right and wrong, and what does that mean for our lives?

But mostly, we just really don't know. We don't know what we are doing. We don't know what comes after graduation. We don't know the right way to handle all of the things that come our way.

As Christians and college-age kids, we desire to honor God, but many of us also have a yearning for relationship with another human. This is not a bad desire. But we struggle to know how to balance loving God and the biblical way to find a partner.

Personally, I describe my dating life as a series of unfortunate events. I really don't mean anything against guys (the ones I've dated and otherwise); my purpose is not to blame or vilify men. However, the way I've handled things has lead to some rather entertaining (and some rather painful) stories.

I had one guy ask about my purity ring, and when I explained what it meant, he asked me why I would handicap a relationship by choosing purity. Fundamentally, he could not understand my faith. He didn't know the freedom that comes from a relationship with Christ. Therefore, I couldn't expect him to understand my choices.

While I couldn't expect him to understand my choices, I struggled to understand his actions. In the past, I did blame myself. I was full of fear, anger, and pain. And I do have to accept responsibility for some of my choices. It was a journey. It is still a process deciding to forgive and daily pray for this individual.

Many ask why women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted don't come forward. From my conversations with friends and my own personal experience, my best answer is fear. We fear being laughed at, ignored, or worse, blamed.

I think the most important lesson I've learned, however, is the beauty of grace, mercy, and redeeming love. "Now my debt is paid, it is paid in full by the precious blood that my Jesus spilled. Now the curse of sin has no hold on me. Whom the Son sets free, Oh is free indeed." The lyrics from "Man of Sorrows" resonate within my soul. I also recognize that while this truth applies to me, it also applies to those who have hurt my friends and me. 

 I am truly free. I can rest in the simple gospel.

I consider the lyrics of the song of the same name by United Pursuit. "Lord, I've been told to be ashamed. Lord, I've been told I don't measure up. Lord, I've been told I'm not good enough. But you're here with me. I reach out, and you find me in the dust. You say no amount of untruths can separate us."

I have been redeemed by our Risen King. This doesn't make me perfect, by any means. I still fight the lies that I don't measure up, that I'm broken and incapable of healing. But to my rock, my savior, my redeemer, I cling. Those lies will not define me. My past does not define me. I must choose Christ daily. 

Me Too. 


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