Abundance of Caution

"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things." – Colossians 3:2 These days our world is seemingly turned upside down as organization after organization issues cancellations and warnings "out of abudance of caution." As a person required to communicate in order to earn a paycheck, I must admit I'm bothered it doesn't say "out of AN abundance of caution." But maybe that's a little too Hermione Granger to point out. Lighthearted and nerdy humor aside, this doesn't feel at all like a laughing matter. There are people losing their livelihood, students facing the reality of having to leave communities behind without so much as a goodbye, and families coping with a new normal. New normal. What does that even mean? It feels a lot like the new circumstances we find ourselves in – online school or work, cancelled social events and entertainment, and shortages – will last for the rest of our lives. It feels like the ...