Mission Impossible?

Sojourn: A temporary rest or stay in the midst of a journey. At various points in the Bible, believers are referred to as sojourners, or foreigners in a strange land, staying for a brief amount of time. For example, Abraham and Sarah were sojourners in Egypt (Genesis 12:10) as they followed God's calling for their lives. God told Abraham to leave his family and his home in order to find the land that God would show him (Genesis 12:1-5). Abraham, then called Abram, didn't even know where he was going. However, God promised to bless him and make his name great. And Abraham went. That doesn't mean his decision was easy or enjoyable. Sometimes, you will walk through deep valleys, and you don't know how you will ever make it out the other side. Even while in Egypt, Abraham defied God and gave his wife Sarah to Pharaoh, saying she was his sister. This brought plagues onto the Egyptians until Pharaoh gave Sarah back to Abraham, sending them both out of the count...