Modest is Hottest?

"As Christians, one of our chief commitments should be not only preserving our own purity, but also protecting and honoring the purity and morals of others." -Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Modesty. Every teenage girls' favorite lecture. Ha. We definitely hate this talk, both having to give it and receiving it. But why? What about this topic is so controversial? Our human nature, ruled by the flesh, and therefore prone to rebellion, leads us to choose disobedience rather than choosing to glorify God and follow his commandments for us. I guess to begin we need to get at the heart of the issue. What is our motivation for how we dress? And does it really matter? So many times I hear girls complain about having to cover up, guys should be able to control their eyes and thoughts better. But ladies let's be honest, we are just as easily distracted when a guy does not dress modestly (whoops the secret is out, girls are attracted to boys and struggle with ...