
I realize that while I have had this blog for about a year now, I have never taken the time to explain the title, "Crossroads." My goal is to tackle the tough questions and issues we face as Christians. I am not trying to say that my opinions are the right ones, just that I've done my research and would encourage you to do the same. I encourage you to consider multiple sources, multiple points of view, and form your own conclusions, not just assume those of the individuals around you, even your teachers or parents. With that said, my heart is burdened for my country as we face several crossroads. There are several "crossroads" throughout Athens. If you've ever been downtown, you know what a truly sanctifying experience it can be trying to navigate. There are roads that suddenly become one way, or a stop light with more options than there should be (Thomas, Oconee, and Broad, I'm talking about you sweet friend of mine). You get stuck at the light for...