The Good News

Sometimes Christians like to use big words. Sometimes we don't even notice it, it's just part of conversation, especially for those who have grown up in church or have spent a long time studying God and his character. We use words such as sanctification, justification, reconciliation, reformation, protestant, amillenial, post-millennial, transmogrifier. . . Oh wait. (Just in case you don't catch this reference, here's the comic relief). But in all seriousness, sometimes we get so caught up in the theology of who God is, we miss the beauty of the Good News. This year, I have the privilege of leading a bible study for high school freshman at my church. My sweet girls come from a variety of backgrounds, in different stages with their walk with Christ. One of my girls recently made the decision to follow Jesus this summer at our camp in Ocoee, Tennessee. Each week she brings a fresh perspective and curiosity about God and the faith we have in Him. I love the ...